Sakai course sites will be available online for eight years after completion of the course.
Starting with 2015 Winter Break, the permanent removal of course sites more than eight years old has been executed. This means any course sites from Fall 2007 and earlier were removed completely.
During the summer of 2018, Claremont Sakai expanded the previous course site retention term from the previously agreed upon five years to the full eight years. With this change, Sakai course sites will be available online for eight years after completion of the course. Please refer to the Course Access Calendar for specific dates.
Deleting a course from Sakai permanently removes it. When a course is deleted, it is automatically removed from a user's course list. All materials stored in the course are deleted. This includes all files, grades, assignments, quizzes, links and anything else associated with the course.
The course site retention policy applies only to course sites and their respective materials stored in the Sakai. Project sites are not subject to this policy. All materials stored in an individual's home directory are also not affected by this policy.
Retaining Content
Method 1: Instructors can copy materials from older courses into newer courses within Sakai by reusing or importing material from the older sites to newer sites.
Method 2: Instructors can back up their materials outside of Sakai via downloading materials of the Resources, exporting Tests & Quizzes question banks, and exporting Gradebooks as necessary.
Note: Storage tools will help retain content. Instructors are encouraged to create and keep a local archive of their own courses as well as the originals of all files used by the course. It is best to create this archive at the end of the term in which the course was taught instead of waiting until shortly before scheduled deletion. Storing these files on both a local computer and a cloud storage (such as will prevent files from being lost.