Supported Browsers for Claremont Sakai

For the best experience with Courses (powered by Sakai), please choose a supported Web browser. For security purposes, it is highly recommended that you use the latest version available from the various browser vendors. The browsers that we support for Sakai here at Claremont are listed in order below:

Note: You may get unexpected results if you use two browser windows or tabs to access the same tool at the same time. For best results, use one browser window to work in Sakai. If you do want to use two windows, you may want to use two different browsers (e.g., Chrome and Firefox).

Note: We also recommend that you clear your browser's cache for proper site navigation before you use Claremont sakai.

Note: Please disable any pop-up blockers for the Sakai domain:

Last updated on November 7, 2023, Pomona College ITS