As an instructor you can customize some aspects of Conversations. Select Conversations and then select the Settings option in the upper-right hand corner; a gear icon accompanies the text, which is next to the Create new topic button.
On the left you’ll see Permissions. If you click on it, you’ll see a number of ways to finely tune how you, your TAs, and your students can interact with the tool.
You will see a permissions table with all of the system roles currently present in the site. For course sites, this is typically Instructor, Teaching Assistant, and Student roles. For project sites, this is typically Access and Maintain roles.
You may select the checkboxes for any of the given permissions in order to grant that permission to the specified user role or roles in the site. Deselecting a checkbox removes the permission from the specified role or roles.
When posting answers in Conversations, any role receiving the This role counts as an instructor permission will be highlighted green and labeled as Instructor’s Answer in the interface to differentiate it from student responses.